Welcome to our ministry blog. We invite you to read about what God is doing as we reach the world for Christ
from the streets of Rome. As you read, please pray! Our Next Ministry Trip will be starting April 11, 2022.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Until Next Time

This trip to Italy and Germany was short. 

We've just arrived home, and while it's good to see our girls and be home, it's always hard to leave.

We've been encouraged by the amount of people that are traveling and pray that we have an opportunity to go back again soon. 

As we return, the mission doesn't change. There are still souls that need to be saved wherever we are. Plus, there is still the need to pray for the people that we've had contact with over the past three weeks.

People like "R" who is a Lebanese Christian, but his wife and children are unsaved, 

and the five Romanians that we met on the train. 

and the German couple Dave met in the airport.

and so many others who received a tract, but we don't know their story. 

Please join us in continuing to pray for these people. Pray for us as we seek to step outside our comfort zone and be a light in a very dark world. 

Thank you for your prayers over the last few weeks! We're so grateful for your support.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Encouraging Friends

 I feel like there are many things that we take for granted, one of them being the opportunity to go to church every Sunday. 

Our friends in Munich live in a religious city, but one that is spiritually empty. They don’t have the opportunity to go to church every Sunday and to fellowship or be encouraged by other Christians. 

This weekend, we are here in Munich to be that for them. Please pray for our time together. 

German tracts will also be put in mailboxes (legal here) and given out in the main gathering area of Munich. Please pray for the souls of those who receive them! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Breaking Through the Confusion

There was very little time in between the throngs of people coming from the bottom of the subway station. This was a good thing, when we considered the opportunity it gave us to reach so many. 

But, as we walked through the V@tic@n area later that morning, a feeling of heaviness and sadness was present. So many people. So much deception and confusion.

What gives hope is the power of God unto salvation. This power can break through the confusion and give life. 

Monday was also a holiday here. Again, it was a busy day with lots of activity. 

A highlight came when a Christian, Nigerian couple asked if they could have some Italian tracts to pass around while they are here in Italy! It's encouraging to have brothers and sisters in Christ sharing in the labor. 

And we thank you for sharing in the labor with us as well! 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Then and Now

Two years ago, the streets looked empty and deserted. We prayed to reach just one person. 

All it takes is one to make it worth it!

The prayer is still the same, two years later. But, we praise the Lord for the crowds of people! and for the opportunity to reach more!

Can you find Dave? 

This is a busy weekend and lots of activity, especially Sunday morning. Please be in prayer that we would be in the right place at the right time.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Countdowns Getting Lower Every Day!

Did you ever sing the children's song, "Jesus will come again, although we don't know when, the countdown's getting lower every day. 10 and 9, 8 and 7, 6 and 5 and 4. Call upon the Saviour while you may ...."

We want to spread this message to those that we meet in Rome in the coming weeks. 

Our countdown for departure is getting closer as well. We are packing our bags and trying to find more space! This is a short trip and not all of us are going, but we still have a lot to do as we prepare to leave.

Please be praying for our safety, for the safety of those in our family that are staying behind, for the hearts of those that we will come in contact with. 

God has already worked in miraculous ways and it's humbling to say the least. Thank you for your continued support and prayers! 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Crazy How Time Flies! + An Announcement!

Is it just us, or does time fly by the older we all get?

This time of year always has us wondering if God will open the doors for us to go to Italy for Easter. In the past, it's been our favorite time of year to go because of all the tourists that seem to make their way to Rome. It really is like reaching the world, from just a street corner.

Our recent world events has changed that, which makes us wonder even more if we'll ever get to go back at all. (So thankful that Dave had the opportunity last fall!)

But - God's timing is always perfect. His time doesn't fly by. 

And that brings us to our Announcement.

We're happy to let you know that Dave and Anna will be heading to Rome on April 11th and will be staying for two weeks. Easter is April 17th this year, and though there may not be as many world travelers, God already knows who we will come in contact with, that needs to receive the Gospel message.

Preparations have already started coming together. Among other things, we've ordered more Italian tracts, as well as a larger amount of Ukrainian tracts, for the influx of refugees that have made their way into the city. 

Please be in prayer for our travels, for our family as some are not able to come, and that we would be in the right place at the right time - alert and ready to share the hope that is in us. 

We will keep you updated! Thank you for your prayers! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Made It Safe!

God's timing is always perfect! 

You may have noticed a running theme in our prayer requests. Dave wants to be in just the right spot and at just the right time. Yesterday, God worked it out for that to happen. 

A negative test result is needed before boarding the plane to Italy and even though he had taken a test before he left home, Dave had still not had the results when he arrived at his layover location.

Through some hurried and stressful situations, he was able to take another test, but it was away from the airport and a shuttle was needed to get there. Time was limited, but not God's time.

Because of this situation, Dave was able to plant a seed in the bus driver's life. 

We're thanking God for answering our prayers in being in the right location and at just the right time. Sometimes, it's hard to recognize those situations when we're stressed about the way we think things should go. Thankfully, God is still in control. 

P.S. - the results were negative and Dave is adjusting to a new time zone in Rome! 


Hebrews 11:13,15,16

... These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off and were PERSUADED of them, and EMBRACED them, and CONFESSED that they were STRANGERS and PILGRIMS on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country... But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.